On January 14, 2016,the annual celebration of ZJPHARMA & RAINBOW LABS was ceremoniously held on the third floor in the technology center building! During this happy period, Oliver, our managing director, Kelvin, vice managing director and all our colleagues enjoyed the moment together.
The celebration began at 3 p.m. It opened after the Oliver’s New Year's greeting and the dance show ‘La La passionate erobics’ which performed orderly, lively and adolescently by the crew of Marketing Development Department. Afterwards, nearly ten original performances which contain opusculum and songs were performed one by one, every audience enjoyed those visual feasts very much. The shows were very successful and won the audience's applause occasionally throughout the celebration. Eventually, the entire show completely ended with the dance show ‘I am pretty!’. Meanwhile, every colleague won the wanted award during the ‘Bingo’ Lucky draw. At the end of the celebration, Oliver Sent New Year red envelopes to everyone and took a group photo with staff.
In summary, the celebration goes in affecting atmosphere.
For the 2016, we are more united, enterprising and will struggle for a higher goal!
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